Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Photos from Ashland Grower's Market Oct. 2011

Carol enjoying the fall colors at Grower's Market

Fall bounty-Squashes and leeks

Grower with buyers, enjoying the fall harvest

Gorgeous fall flora-mums, zinnias, baby gourds: one of Ashland's lovely sights & smells!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Sitting in Silence, Soaking up Sunshine

Warm, inviting, comforting
Sunshine in autumn feeds us
Her gentle presence, giving life

Neighboring kids exuberant
Singing, laughing, full of Joy
Free of worry, doubts, schedules
Often able to be spontaneous and real
Gifts their parents lose with too much to do
Forgetting life's simple pleasures.

Carol Browning 10/17/2011

Soaking Up the Midday Sun

Calmness abiding
Blessed to be here in the Sunshine
May all beings experience Joy and Wonder
Beyond their suffering and facing life challenges
Beyond the fearful, doubting-mind we all have.
May we learn to trust our own Depths that
give rise to a spacious knowing
Enfolding us in Grace and a deep, abiding Peace.

Carol Browning 11/17/2011

Saturday, October 8, 2011


In the face of death
We need to pause, be gentle
Befriend the full range of  our feelings
Knowing, trusting they will keep changing.

We need to be patient and tender with ourselves
Feelings allowed to flow are welcome,
Even when  unsettling and uncomfortable.
When suppressed they go dormant,
Freezing us, and likely to come alive when facing another loss.

When a caring person we love dies,
It is natural to grieve, feeling the loss of their physical presence in our lives. 
Letting go rarely happens overnight, and it is healthy
To welcome support from friends & family
When we are feeling vulnerable.

We need to honor the sacred space,
Time for solitude, community, whatever feels nurturing
When a dear friend crosses over to a dimension
That for us remains a mystery.

Carol Browning 10/8/11