Our community grieves the tragic murder of an aspiring, caring, gifted young man who died at the hands of an unknown swordsman in a local park a week ago. It is helping to have an on-line dialogue on Facebook, and at a community forum this next Tuesday at Ashland High School. Shop N Kart was closed two hours Saturday so his fellow employees could attend his memorial. It is good to live where concern and open expression of our grieving is possible; yes, the police are silent and likely in shock themselves. It is still early, and we need to be both courageous and take unusual precautions in the aftermath of this serious crime.
We honor David when we share memories of this innocent man , with us still in spirit. It triggers memories of 9/11, untimely wartime deaths of so many young men (and women, too) , car accidents and other circumstances that make us all aware we are fortunate to be alive, and there are no guarantees.
Watching Democracy Now! a few evenings ago, I saw a great panel on the impact of the Occupy Wall St. movement. It has changed the dialogue in our country so concerns that truly matter to the people are being voiced while Congress wallows in apathy, indifference, inability to take responsible action.
One of the panelists commented that our media, our government, and our financial system have been occupied by Wall Street. This leaves a space for something new and more accountable to be born, and it's still in the gestation stages, so we don't know how it will all work out in the months and years to come. We honor one another when we participate, using our own talents and interests, in this unfolding. One way I'd like to contribute besides writing is to be part of CSAs, Community Supported Agriculture so our local farmers can continue even in the winter months to feed us top quality foods, that we can share with neighbors in need, too. This happens with our local food banks, with the huge increase in grower's markets and community gardens too; the latter two don't happen in our area in the winter months, so CSAs become even more vital for us to support. It's about supporting life even as we face death and dying among our friends and families. We need to care for one another, not become hermits and turn our backs in tough times. Love begins with conversations that matter, whether they be in a worship service, on-line like this, or in person. We do make a difference! Decide how you'd like to contribute to the common good today!
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