It is wise as well as possible to enjoy a broader circle of friends to enjoy being with
Not just on-line, but to share interests we may have in common, and to encourage one another.
I don't have grandchildren or daughters who live nearby, and I need more contact with young people, for their friendships feed my need to belong to the larger circle, and they have perspectives not always found in my own age range.
It would be fun to share a meal not just with Meet and Eat folks, but with women friends who are open to this too, and we enjoy one another's company. I am a people person, and get lonely with too much time in solitude, or focusing all my attention on a man's friendship. When my Davis friend Mary died, I felt bereft, for midst our ups and downs, we were there for one another, and we believed in one another. I welcome a few more kindred spirit women friends in the years to come, not only on-line, though that sure helps too. Kris is one such friend from my past; we've not seen one another since high school, yet she believes in me and knows I am going through a tough summer with so little chance to enjoy being in nature this smoky August, and having our air so compromised.
So OLLI and fellowships are places I am likely to be open to new friends, or my water class too.
It is good to live where there are so many vibrant, wonderful women as well as menfolk with courage, patience and a sense of humor midst life's very real challenges too. There are even kind women right where I live, and it's good to take the time to visit as we go about our lives. Like Dee yesterday saying how she too is looking forward to her OLLI classes, for it is just too confining to spend so much time in our tiny apartments and not having a chance to broaden our horizons.
We may be growing old, yes, but we still need meaningful friendships of all ages and genders!