And now the rare star of David came in July to herald the birth of a new king, perhaps to herald the birth of a new Era where charisma and power will be aligned with a very different kind of leadership, one that honors the heavenly bodies, the Earth Mother, not the false gods of personal greed and capital ventures that harm our environment and destroy the very air we breath, water we drink, oceans and soils that have given and sustained life for millennium.
As we gather to honor the changing seasons, let us also make time for solitude and reflective moments so our course is more true to our unfolding talents. It is a time to pay attention to our bodies, our sacred vessels that allow us to better enjoy this earthwalk.
It may be a time to quietly, or boisterously, create rituals that honor those who have died, and also give guidance , courage, and inner strength to those of us still living. Yesterday I heard a coyote story about grieving souls crossing the great river into the Land of the Dead. They learned their loved ones who had died did not want to come back, but had made peace with their transition, and wanted their living partners to return, to be doing their work in the Land of the Living. Grieving can help us be more open, more vulnerable, and it can give us resolve to move on, accepting our losses and learning resilience from their gifts.
If we are to become stronger from enduring losses as we grow older, we need to be attentive to our blessings and our lessons, and not be frozen in fears that make us unable to be present, to enjoy the simple pleasures in our daily living. It's a new Dawn. May we arise and honor it!