“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls
to arrive at its destination full of hope.”
Maya Angelou LOVE indeed, affirms the happy times, forgives the difficult times.
Maya Angelou LOVE indeed, affirms the happy times, forgives the difficult times.
LOVE perseveres, letting go when that feels wise, holding on
firmly to what nurtures us.
LOVE handles life’s many changes with grace, courage, hope
that helps dispell our fears.
The more we learn to lighten up and be gentle with our own
selves, the more we can
be present
and treasure our friends, even if
we go long periods without much communication. I am not as concise as Maya, but she also has had to learn
hard lessons from mistaken choices, trusting folks who were toxic for her,
learning discretion that comes when we lose our innocence after being betrayed,
rejected, left to find our inner strengths when there is no one by our
side. We all have lessons to
learn, and our own unique paths to follow.
all play many roles in our growing up.
Today I reaffirmed I can still cook a good casserole, made easier by
cool temperatures outside, having all the ingredients on my home front,
adapting a PBS recipe to suit my personal needs. I am grateful to have caregivers, and grateful I’ve had an
adult lifetime of appreciating healthy cooking, so it’s not unfamiliar
territory for me. Eating well is a
vital way we advocate for our own health!
Bon appetit!
THE PHOTOS above are of my casserole, enjoying Jeff's lovely vases, and my daughter Meagan's boyfriend, Jaimie, on a mountain top in Chile! All are about affirming life, enjoying what we love!